Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

We have been counting down the days to go see the amazing dinosaur show, Walking with Dinosaurs, and it finally came!!  Josh and I were excited to take our lil man Ethan to see the live show.  It was part of our birthday gift to him since he will be turning 3yrs old on the 25th.   He loves the Land Before Time series, Dinosaur movie,  and just about anything to do with dinosaurs so we knew he would love it!  I loved seeing Ethan's eyes light up and the excitement in his voice as he saw the huge dinos walking across the floor.   So video cameras were not allowed and we weren't supposed to take pictures, but I some how managed to not get my purse checked at the security check point??  I just took a couple of short films to share with you all who missed it!  Hope you enjoy the dinosaurs, but more importantly I will remember the wonderful time we had with Ethan!!